Neuromuscular Massage
A passive massage therapy that treats pain in the muscular, nervous, and fascia systems from nervous system disorders and tension. Neuromuscular massage re-educates contracted muscle tissue, deactivate trigger points, correct fascial holding patterns to reduce symptoms of poor circulation, nerve compression, postural problems and repetitive movement injuries.

who can benefit
Those suffering from nervous system conditions. Neuromuscular massage has also been found to be beneficial for pain that is caused from repetitive habits, nerve to muscle related communication pathways.
Conditions we treat
Those who are experiencing pains, abnormalities, or restrictions of:
Each session will be specific for the certain people population.​
How we Treat
The person undergoes an massage evaluation to assess limitations, massage goals and suggested number of sessions. Following the evaluation, a regular session can consist of addressing pain, strength, and homeostasis for your body to reach balanced daily living goals.