1ST Visit Steps
Check in

Arrive 10 mins prior to appt time.

Please see Attire to be prepared.
Future Appointments

Follow MD & DPT orders.
Prepare for 1st Visit
Inform the medical receptionist you arrived, sign the login sheet, and present your photo ID, insurance card, and referral for check-in processing. Please sit and wait for the Doctor of Physical Therapy to lead you into the evaluation room. If you need another person to be in the initial visit we can accommodate this, please do not bring more than 1 person, and understand our focus is your recovery. This means future visits are requested to only have the patient in the treatment area. This protects other patient's and privacy as well, including safety for space limitations. If you need a translator please bring them to your appointments. All phones will asked to be silent as we do not want to distraction from your visit time. You will be asked about your medical history and details about the injury or pain you are experiencing. The doctor will perform a physical exam and answer any questions you may have. All appointments are 50-60 minutes. You will receive a diagnosis with explanation for treatment plan. A home exercise program will be sent to you electronic, to login with your date of birth for daily completion and communication with your therapy team.
Brain all of the following:
ID or Passport (must be current not expired)
Insurance Card (make sure pcp is correct)
Referral from your doctor (usually good for 1 year)
Medication List
Past Medical History List
Image Reports: CTScan, MRI, X-Ray (all pertaining to your injury)
Loose fitting clothing is recommended for all appointments. Specific appointments see details below:
Knees & Hips --> Bring Shorts
Scoliosis & Back --> Wear Sports Bra
Shoulders & Neck --> Loose Fitting Top or Bring Tang Top
Ankles & Feet --> Wear Sneakers